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纸艺手艺--“山石”系列纸灯 纸浆艺术

“山石”系列纸灯 纸浆艺术 博物馆致力于与当代艺术家及商业设计师合作,建立者与制造者之间的良性互动,将古法造纸的技艺参与到当代艺术家和设计当中,拓展手工造纸的应用范围。       以坐落在高黎贡山间的博物馆作为空间媒介,在当地开启传统技艺与现代社会的碰撞,古法造纸在艺术创作当中作为媒介材料,当代艺术家与传承人共同参与到当地传统技艺中。艺术和古法手工纸,会发生化学反应。       纸作为媒介外界社会与当地形成互动,成为项目合作的最重要的环节,通过当地村民的生存状态,生活环境了解当地的文化。当地村民通过纸艺发现纸不仅作为文字的载体,可以运用到更广泛的领域,从而研发出品质多样的纸品。       当地生态作为开发重点之一,博物馆坐落的山间风景秀丽,山水丽人。而古法造纸遵循生态与发展平衡的规则。艺术家用纸品通过艺术特有的表达方式来展现当地自然与发展的平衡。       博物馆通过完善在保护,教育,研究,培训等职能,建立艺术家与造纸传承人之间定期互动交流。将在探索自我更新和发展文化遗产方面有很大的帮助。












源于腾冲界头早陆山上的滇结香的茎皮,在当地被统称为构皮。“一天剥构皮最多也就是十来斤” 当地村民道。浸泡、灰水泡构、煮构、洗构、捡构再到打浆,至少需要九天的时间和四天的人工,才能制备成纸浆。









Enrique Romero de la Llana 

Diseñador de producto establecido en Madrid, España. Oriento mi trabajo hacia la experimentación siempre bajo un punto de vista respetuoso con los materiales.
Combino mi trabajo como diseñador con mi cargo como socio de ACdO/, donde estoy a cargo del desarrollo de producto.
I am a product designer based in Madrid, Spain, focused on the experimentation and respectful with the raw materials.
I combine my work as an independent designer with my Product Developer role at ACdO/ as a partner of the studio.

来自大自然的环保灯具 这是由设计师 Enrique Romero de la Llana 用废旧的报纸纸浆制成的pulp lamp 纸浆灯,设计师认为他的灯具都是来自自然树木,有机材料,是被赋予的二次生命。这系列灯具没有标准的模型,每一个新的创作,都是一个新的形状、颜色和纹理,像是一次新生。是的,它们看起来富有生机。




Calyx of Flower Paper Mache Lamps

This series of lamps refers to the birth of a fresh and new structure. The form of this lamp resembles a flower in different stages of development. The light comes through the porous surface of the cup and creates soft shadows around the room, complementing the decor of the interior and completely transforming its atmosphere. To create this series of lamps I was inspired by the sketchbook – Herbarium of a Polish artist and writer Stanisław Wyspiański. Flowers were also a great source of inspiration for him to create his fantastic frescos and drawings.

I make pulp from the newspapers, which flood us with information every day. The content of daily news is slowly digested, and at the end of the day land forgotten in the waste basket. This conglomeration of unwanted, chewed up information has become a base to create something new and lasting.

Lamp is in 100 % recycled and eco-friendly, made from paper waste and cellulosic, water based glue.
Each paper pulp lamp is different and unique.
Handmade in Spain.

This lamps are made with wooden clothespins. Yes, those clips which we use for drying clothes! They make a beautiful and soft shadow when are turned on, because the light goes gently between the clips. Resemble a coniferous tree.

Pendant shades are supplied with white cable and steel cord (1m from Reutlinger), lamp holder, ceiling rose from a Swedish company “Cable Cup” the winner of a Swedish Design Award thanks to this product. Ceiling rose is very aesthetic and easy in installation.
Handmade in Spain with clothes pegs made from beech tree.

Featured on Design Milk

Mizuko series of paper mache lamps

Mizuko in Japan means “daughter of water”. The minimalistic shape and light weight of the lamp recalls the association with a drop of water, which gently and slowly slides from a leaf and falls again into the water.

Mizuko lamp is ecologic, it is made from old newspapers. You can choose its color between dozens of available colors and combine it with your own interior.

Handmade in Spain.

Morphe – series of papier mâché lamps

The term, derived from Greek, means “shape”. Their “morphe” can have many connotations with the zoomorphic or amorphous forms like eggs, amoebas, oblong stones riddled by sea waves. The name perfectly matches the form of the lamps / objects. Their smooth and oval surface is accentuated by irregular recesses, unique wrinkles in each of the lamps. These elements give the lamps a certain uniqueness and exclusivity.

Morphe lamps, except from the practical function, can be an essential element of any interior decor. Color and unusual shape will make the space original, unique and friendly. Lamps are available in several colors obtained from natural pigments.

The material used in their production is paper which was obtained from the recycling of old newspapers and ecological, certified water based glue. All these components, as well as the process of lamp formation, are environmentally friendly and ecological. Morphe lamps are very lightweight and durable. Handcrafted in Barcelona, Spain.