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雅生设计师:Edward Barber& Jay Osgerby(爱德华•巴布尔和杰•奥斯戈比)--英国设计师系列

作者:淘博工业设计整理发布 日期:2021-04-26 人气:3170



Edward Barber, born in Shrewsbury in 1969, and Jay Osgerby, born in Oxford in 1969, studied architecture and interior design as fellow students at the Royal College of Art in London. In 1996, they founded their own studio for design and architecture under the name Barber & Osgerby. Since that time, their collaborative work has probed the interface between industrial design, furniture design and architecture.

     Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby founded their East London studio in 1996, after studying architecture together at the Royal College of Art. For more than two decades their work has challenged the boundaries of design in this country and abroad, while their commitment to lecturing, workshops and studio practice supports the development of new generations of designers.

     Barber and Osgerby’s approach is characterised by its emphasis on experimentation and innovation and an exploratory attitude to materiality and colour. From these areas of focus emerge solutions that reflect the close relationship of their work with industrial processes and new technologies, but also its affinities with fine art, illustrated most clearly in large-scale installations such as Double Space (2014) - a series of revolving mirrors suspended from the ceiling of the Raphael Gallery in the V&A - and Forecast (2016) - a wind-powered work installed at Somerset House, as part of the first London Design Biennale.

     The strength of Barber and Osgerby’s creative partnership has led to collaborations with some of the world’s most progressive companies and a diversity of output that encompasses architecture, interiors, sculpture, product and exhibition design, from the iconic Loop Table (1996) for Isokon and Soft Work (2018) for Vitra, to the 2012 Olympic Torch and a £2 coin commissioned to commemorate the 150th anniversary of London Underground. In 2017 Phaidon published a new monograph - Barber Osgerby, Projects - covering the designers first twenty years of practice.

    Amongst many professional accolades, Barber and Osgerby received the Jerwood prize in 2004 and in 2007 were awarded the status of Royal Designers for Industry. In 2013 they were appointed to the Order of the British Empire, for services to the design industry. Examples of their work are held in the permanent collections of the V&A and the Design Museum in London, the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Olympic Museum in Switzerland and the Vitra Design Museum in Germany.

英国设计双星Edward Barber& Jay Osgerby 这两个名字可能很多人不知道,但只要说到2012年英国伦敦奥运火炬,大概大家都知道,这款奥运火炬就出自这两位设计大师之手。Barber Osgerby工作室是由两位天才设计师成立的。


  两位大师在机缘巧合下都选择了英国皇家艺术学院(Royal Collage of Art)深造,并在建筑学课堂上认识。研习期间,他们开始是以朋友关系一起做设计项目,后来渐渐成了工作伙伴,并于毕业后合作创办了一间工作室,而工作室的名称即来自他们各自的名字组合——Barber Osgerby


 “用电脑设计最大的问题是容易给人以误导,效果图显示作品设计可行而美观,而真正着手制模时会发现是行不通的,做出来也往往不会有预想中的效果。所以我们觉得,用电脑设计是把时间浪费在了与实际情况相悖的细节上,当然,在设计后期我们还是会用到电脑。"----Edward Barber& Jay Osgerby






Planophore bookcase / Vitra

Jay Osgerby 和 Edward Barber 站在科技博物馆室内,他们重新设计了这里的空间。

十年来, 随着设计作品在评论界和商业领域的双重成功,他们的工作室宛如雄鹰展翅,所向披靡, 不断发展壮大。1990年代, Edward Barber和Jay Osgerby因共同在伦敦皇家艺术学院攻读硕士学位而相识,至此以来便鲜少分开,而两人更是将相处的多半时间都用在了旅行上。旅途中,他们绘制设计草图,讨论彼此的设计灵感, “这种时刻对我们来说弥足珍贵。在工作室, 总会有人不时请示打扰。而在旅途中, 一切似乎反倒都暂时停滞安静下来。”流畅、精准和实用主义的使用体验是两人珍视的设计品质,也是伦敦设计节(London Design Festival)的规划者BMW前来寻求的。 他们共同为伦敦设计节创造的“双重空间”(DoubleSpace)艺术装置呈展于维多利亚及阿尔伯特博物馆的拉斐尔画廊, 完美诠释了艺术的至臻高度。长达14米的巨翼装置缓缓转动,多维度反射着意大利大师的经典作品,现实画面顿时光怪陆离起来。“鉴于我们和 BMW持有相同的设计理念,这种流线型的设计构思简直水到渠成。” Edward 说。

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