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Michel Charlot--瑞士工业设计师

作者:淘博工业设计整理发布 日期:2021-04-28 人气:2637


設計師:Michel Charlot

瑞士工業設計師 Michel Charlot,1984 年出生於瑞士,2009年畢業瑞士洛桑藝術學院(École),隨即前往法國進入現代極簡大師 Jasper Morrison 的設計事務所任職,在法國長大的他,從小沉浸在現代及古典藝術的優雅之美,耳濡目染之下,對於他後續的設計風格有極大的影響。

崇尚簡約機能之美的他,2012 年為瑞士品牌 Belux 設計的 U-turn 多用途燈具,更獲得設計界的最高榮譽瑞士聯邦設計大獎,一舉成名後,近年來更受到各大設計品牌邀請大展長才,除了家具,家飾、廚具、燈具皆可看到他大顯身手的蹤影,推出的設計商品不僅僅大受歡迎,更被許多設計界的大師喻為未來最值得期待的設計師之一。


Michel Charlot, 2016
O-Tidy by Michel Charlot is a practical, versatile organiser, which combines the simple shapes of a cup and dish in one. O-Tidy is made of robust plastic and comes in a selection of colours.



Michel Charlot, 2016

Table Talk

The Davy Table by Michel Charlot


Bistro tables usually have only one central leg. Michel Charlot has opted for four legs: A ploy hinting at Hans Coray’s design. His drawing shows four bent L-shaped aluminium profile legs. They are individually screwed to the tabletop and meet in the central plug-in connection which is located directly underneath the hole for the sunshade. It was visible in the first models when sitting at the table. However, the designer has reshaped the bracket in several steps to make it invisible from the top. The table can be mounted in five minutes, and only four screws need to be tightened. ‘It was my task to keep the parts and thus the costs to a minimum,’ says the designer.

“I was not so much overawed by the icon but rather by the task I was given.“

He has managed to reduce the table to fourteen components: the top, four legs, four rubber tips for the legs and five fastenings on the underside of the tabletop to hold the legs. For stability reasons, the fastenings are not made of aluminium but die-cast zinc. To avoid any marks on the 3mm table-top, the fastenings are glued to the underside with a metal adhesive from the automotive industry. The same adhesive is used for gluing the legs. This appeals to the designer: ‘In this way, my work has influenced the re-birth of the classic chair.’ He was not inhibited by working in the shadow of an icon: ‘I was not so much overawed by the icon but rather by the task I was given.’ He prefers to stay out of the limelight: He is not very interested in the role of an original designer who strengthens his name by means of his own designs. His aim is to solve classic industrial design problems, to work out details and to deliberate over optimising costs and quality. In the case of the table, this meant using a minimum of components because: aluminium is expensive, and the price of the table was not to exceed the cost of two chairs.
