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瑞士藝術家及家具設計師 Hans Coray

作者:淘博工业设计整理发布 日期:2021-04-28 人气:2675


      Hans Coray was raised in Zurich, where he completed a doctorate in Romance languages. In the 1930s he began to experiment with metal and wire as an autodidact, applying these techniques to the design of furnishings, industrial products and sculptures. He was closely associated with the artists of Dada and the Concrete Art movement in Zurich, a circle including Max Bill, Verena Loewensberg and Hans Fischli.

     In the summer of 1938, Hans Fischli, who had studied at the Bauhaus, encouraged him to develop models for the official chair of the 1939 Swiss National Exhibition – designs that 'should be new in every way'. Over a short period of time, Hans Coray developed two prototypes for 'an all-aluminium chair that can be stacked vertically'. His aim was to create a lightweight and graceful chair that combined an inviting appearance with outstanding comfort. As the first of Coray's seating designs to enter production, the Landi Chair became a milestone in design history. An adherent of humanist values, Coray continued to create furniture into the 1950s, turning his attention in the later years of his life to painting and sculpture.

瑞士藝術家及家具設計師 Hans Coray,1906年出生於蘇黎世,在蘇黎世大學完成了羅曼語系的博士學位後,對藝術及家具設計抱持著絕對的熱情及理想,在較於保守的20~30年代之間,開始研究將金屬材料應用於家具設計、雕塑及工業製程產品。

1939 年他為瑞士國家展覽會,設計一款全新可堆疊的家具作品 Landi Chair,不僅是他第一件家具作品,更是他一生中最具代表性的成就之一,透過鋁金屬作為座具的主素材,將多元機能及利用三維模組壓鑄技術使用其中,輕巧摩登的外型更在當年的展覽會場,受到強烈的歡迎與注目,Landi Chair 於展覽會結束後並未量產,直至90年代,Vitra與 Hans Coray 的遺孀重新進行規劃,才得以重現經典單椅的迷人魅力,Hans Coray 在20世紀50年代繼續創作家具,晚年時將大量的注意力轉向繪畫和雕塑。


Landi Chair

Hans Coray, 1938
Technical innovation, optimal use of materials, minimalist forms and understated elegance have made the Landi Chair (1938) by Hans Coray a classic that looks as fresh and vital today as ever.

