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Hung-Ming Chen 与 Chen-Yen Wei 台湾设计师系列

作者:淘博工业设计整理发布 日期:2021-05-03 人气:2681


Hung-Ming Chen 与 Chen-Yen Wei 



     Founded and directed by Hung-Ming Chen and Chen-Yen Wei, the studio’s mission is simply to create beautiful products which will increase in value with the passage of time —design with which one can grow old.

     The Taiwanese-born designing duo began their Stockholm-based design studio with the notion of creating modern objects that would only grow more beautiful over time. " Beyond their own work, they see their studio as a launching point for designers around the world who share their philosophy. The inspiration derives from an intriguing interest in forms, senses, proportions, materials and cultures. The thoughtful duo looks to the past as a route to the future, intending their products to grow as treasures, too take, their place for the next generation of designers.

      Time passes and, Hung-Ming Chen and Chen-Yen Wei, that's just the point. The philosophy pivots around simplicity and honesty. The true essence of respecting wear and tear around the central idea of the passage of time.

Afteroom Studio.png

简单生活的线条 | Afteroom

Afteroom Bench


椅子也是一样的,可以将坐垫和靠背的支撑连在一起;当几条Afteroom Chair放在一起,几何的美学立马显现。这里,靠背和座位部分形成面积和形状上的对比。因为靠背只有一个支撑,坐上去估计会有一点弹性的感觉。各部分结构都是容易拆装的,在材料和颜色可以有丰富的选择。

Afteroom Counter Stool

以上是高脚凳版本。Afteroom这个词是来自台湾、现住在斯德哥尔摩的Hung-Ming Chen和 Chen-Yen Wei夫妻档设计师的创造,他们想让房子里的家具能够伴随人老去,承受时间考验,并期待经年变化的效果,于是就将Afteroom作为工作室的名字。作为Bauhaus的拥趸,他们的设计中能够隐约感到现代主义早期的刚性。当然,论风格Afteroom毫无疑问是属于北欧的。

