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作者:淘博工业设计整理发布 日期:2014-06-05 人气:5449

飞利浦中国设计中心总监Tammo de Ligny畅谈飞利浦的设计梦想和设计思维。Tammo de  Ligny毕业于埃因霍恩设计学院,曾在荷兰飞利浦总部担任高级设计总监,负责飞利浦生活方式系列的所有设计事物。



I just know that a design department has been established in Shanghai in this  year. I want to know what kind of target do you want to reach? How would you  implement the localization in China since China is very different from other  countries?

Tammo de Ligny(T): 正是因为中国和其他国家不同,我们才建立了这个中心。我们以前总认为我们在欧洲或者在香港就能为中国消费者设计产品。但是,我们发现要想真正了解中国市场服务中国客户,我们必须来到这里。所以我们找机会在上海建立一个设计中心。

The reason why China is different from other countries is exactly why we are  here. We always saw we could design products for China in Europe or in HongKong,  but actually we found out that to really serve the needs of  the Chinese  consumers as well as have a better understanding of the Chinese market, we have  to be here. So we explore the opportunity of  having a studio here in Shanghai.  Because we want to know the Chinese market, we do a lot of research and we want  to know the requirements of consumers not only in Shanghai and Beijing, but also  in other cities. Then we design our specific products for China.


HYJ: 如果您只能用一个词来形容飞利浦设计,那么您会用什么词呢?

If you have to use one word to describe Philips design. What would it be?


I would describe it as people centric. So for everything we do, we start with  the people. People is the heart of everything we do. We always observe, study  and talk to people to understand what they actually need and how can we produce  or develop something serving their needs. Base on that, we design desirable  products.


HYJ: 作为飞利浦中国设计中心总监,您认为设计师需要具备什么样的品质才能进入飞利浦?

You are in charge of design of Philips China. What quality should a designer  possess to enter Philips?

T: 首先,他必须充满活力。需要对各种各样的事情感兴趣,不仅仅是对设计,而且是对艺术、时尚、技术、通讯。还需要对人很感兴趣。还应该有一个非常有创意的思维,这样就能保证有源源不断的创意。

First of all, it has to be someone with a lot of energy, positive energy of  course. You should also be very interested in all kinds of different things, not  only design but also art, fashion, technology, communication science and you  have to be interested in people. You also should have a very creative and  innovative mind to be able to come up with new concepts.


HYJ: 您是否认为整合多种知识的能力比钻研一个领域更加重要?

Do you think the skill of integrating all kinds of knowledge is more  important than being an expert in one particular area?

T: 是的,因为一个设计师能给大家的是一种特别的思想,这种思想不同于工程师和营销者的思想。如果你能将设计,开发和市场这三点结合起来,你将会拥有一支强大的队伍,产生最好的概念。

Yeah, because what a designer brings into the table is a certain way of  thinking, a different way of thinking compare to engineers, and to marketers. So  if you combine these three functions, design, development and marketing, you  have a very powerful team that come up with the best concept.


HYJ: 有一个问题很困扰许多设计专业的学生。他们懂得如何欣赏好的设计。当他们设计产品的时候,他们在心中也会有一个蓝图。但是往往他们最后做出的作品和他们想象的很不一样。您能给他们一些建议吗?

A problem has been troubling many design major students. They know how to  appreciate products. When they design, they always have a vision in their mind.  However, the product they make doesn’t turn out to be what they had in mind. Can  you give them some advice?

T: 在设计的过程中,很重要的一点是,你不能在某个单一的方向上走得太快。探索的过程是很重要的。你应该探索多种选择,并与你的同事讨论你的想法是否有意义,了解他们的想法。接着慢慢的,你就能设计出更强大的作品。

In the design process, it’s very important that you shouldn’t get too quick  in a certain direction.  The exploration phase is very important. You should  explore many different options and during the exploration phase, check with your  design colleagues whether your concept makes sense and what they think about it.  Then slowly, you build something that is stronger.

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